The Evergreen Glass Works Company has been around creating glass art since 1991. They are specialists when it comes to knowing glass and how to work with it.
It started with the old and very sophisticated handcraft of creating stained glass. Since they have been in business, they have created everything that has to do with stained glass from small ornaments up to large masterpieces that now decorate windows and doors all over the Midwest.
There is not really anything that they haven't done or couldn't do. A second specialty that they have developed and mastered over the past few years is fusing glass. When you look at the pictures you will surly be amazed from the variety and diversity of the items that they produce.
Here you will find pictures of their beautiful work. There are also a few pictures showing where they create their art and how some of the pieces are created.
If you would like to meet them on one of many art shows that they participate on each year, here is also a list of the different art tours where you will be able to find them and admire a selection of their favourite pieces.
And of course there is information on where you can find them and how to reach them. This may come in handy if you would like to see more of their work and also if you have a special design in mind that you would like to have them bring to life. |